
Posts Tagged ‘International Humanitarian Law’

t.s.eliot and u.m.abdulmudallad

December 26, 2009 Leave a comment

Fortunately, this flight ended with a whimper instead of a bang…

Umar Farouk Abdulmudallad, the al-Qaida affiliated frequent flyer, who today attemped to bring down Northwest flight 253 (operating in Delta livery) as it approached Detroit on its final leg after taking off from Nigeria and stopping over in Amsterdam, where we may assume most of the 278 passengers boarded, is apparently quite a mystery according to certain members of the press.  This afternoon, in their coverage of the incident, Detroit Free Press staff writers Joe Swickard and Naomi R. Patton offered this insightful tidbit, “It was unclear today, why the man wanted to attack the flight arriving from Amsterdam.”

Yes, they actually wrote that line as you will see upon clicking the link.

According to Swickard and Patton’s reasoned equivocation, it’s conceivable  that  Abdulmudallad was simply motivated by a lingering  hatred of the Airbus Model 330 and thus had resolved to kill this particular edition of the machine.   Swickard and Patton…wandering through the journalistic wilderness, searching for a way to foster an understanding of Mudallad’s elusive, cryptic and complex motivations.   Right. A more important story might result from an investigation aimed at discovering the identity of the person who was apparently able to put this lonesome, radicalized moron on the flight without a passport. Of course, writing such a story would require actual journalistic ability. Or a quick check with NewsBank for a review of the last twelve similar “unrelated” attacks.

According to Swickard and Patton, nothing really happened since, “There were no major injuries,” ……other than the burns on Abdulmudallad’s keister and what we hope may be his several other sore spots resulting from, “passengers subduing the man.”  It’s just too bad flight 253 wasn’t transporting a platoon of  Navy Seals…except for our recent  problems there with  Court Martials-after-the-fact. Plus, given the choice on these trips, our Seals generally prefer to swim.

Nonetheless, here we are again (on December 25th) at the intersection between a religion of forgiveness and a religion of punishment and hate.  We’d love to talk to the handler of  Mudallad who chose the date of this operation.   Back in the day (as they say) Muslims worried only about controlling other Muslims in the big, wide world.  In a sense that reminds us of how, “the love that dare not speak its name,”  became the  “love that won’t shut up.”  Our Muslim friends have decided that they are now responsible for passing judgment upon humanity.  Thus they replace, “Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men,” with, “Death to the Infidels.”   That reminds us further of something Hitler used to say about  Germans being German no matter where they were or who they were with…..sound familiar?  Its just too bad that history wasn’t able to kill two evils with one stone.

Unfortunately, it looks more and more like it’s going to take another big boom to finally eradicate these stubborn vestiges of the stone age and advance civilization once again.  Of course this requires the  faith, courage and conviction to prevent hate from becoming slaughter.  Radical Islam is  waging  war against its enemies.  Can we finally say it? At the very least, can we have legislation which finally acknowledges that captured terrorists are non-uniformed combatants? Terrorists entering the custody of the United States must do so  as prisoners ineligible either for  protection under  the conventional laws of war, or  benefit of criminal rights under the constitution.  Speculate for a moment on the fate of an American taken into Yemeni custody under reverse circumstances.  Right.